Three Expensive Surprises That Can Ruin Your Home Purchase

A real estate purchase, due to its complexity, high stakes and regulatory aspects, is unlike most any other type of transaction. Every parcel of land, with or without improvements, is unique, so transfers of ownership require careful preparation based on analysis by a skilled professional. Here are a few of the mistakes that home buyers should avoid: Overextending yourself financially — Let’s say you find that Read More

Business Owners Need to Read the Fine Print

Always get it in writing. You know that. But just as important is to read the agreements we sign. And yet, many of us really don’t. For example, when was the last time you carefully read an online agreement? You hastily click through the “next, next, next, submit” trying to get to the end of the document so you can get on with your day. And for the most part, that is perfectly fine. Unless your business requires Read More

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Residential Real Estate Closing?

Florida law does not require you to have an attorney involved with your real estate closing. So why would you undergo the extra expense, especially when you are dealing with an already lengthy list of closing costs and related outlays of funds? A lot of deals are done with brokers instead of lawyers. It is typically cheaper that way, but when the deal is in danger of going awry due to unforeseen problems with Read More