Gender Discrimination

Women and men in America are entitled to equal treatment. That’s not an opinion, it’s the law. JP Salas Law fights to stamp out gender discrimination. Whether you’re a woman who’s been denied a mortgage for a new home, or a divorced father who’s gotten the short end of a child custody decree, if you believe your gender was weighed as a factor against you, we’re here to get you justice. We handle sex discrimination cases in a myriad of areas, including:

  • Education (Title IX)
  • Employment (Title VII)
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Parental rights


The law guarantees male and female students equal opportunities in academics and extra-curricular activities, including sports, at most institutions that receive federal funding. While Title IX has leveled the playing field in women’s college sports, discrimination still affects many aspects of the educational system, including:

  • Academic honors
  • Admissions
  • Athletics
  • Financial Aid


While much progress has been made in establishing equality in the workplace, sex discrimination still occurs in many areas and in many ways. We advocate for clients who’ve suffered discrimination over issues such as:

  • Benefits. Even though women tend to be more costly to insure, the law requires they be given equal access to healthcare.
  • Hiring. In the past, women have complained about not being hired or promoted due to gender, but discrimination now seems specific to occupations and industries. For example, women suffer from discrimination in engineering, while men find it hard to get hired as secretaries or promoted to management in cosmetics. In either case, the discrimination violates federal law.
  • Firing. When layoffs seem to disproportionately affect one gender, discrimination may be at play.
  • Pay. A person’s gender cannot be a factor in determining his or her salary or wages.
  • Pregnancy. Refusal to hire or make reasonable accommodations for a pregnant person (or one who might become pregnant) is considered discrimination under federal law.
  • Promotion. If all promotions seem to be going to employees of one gender, discrimination may be a factor.
  • Sexual harassment. Perpetrating or tolerating this behavior is considered discrimination under federal law. Unwanted sexual conduct in the workplace is illegal if it is meant as a condition of employment or becomes so pervasive that it creates a hostile environment. The definition of sexual harassment is not gender-specific in regards to perpetrator or victim.