Can an insurance company investigate your social media profiles?


Social Media and Insurance Claims

Can an insurance company deny your claim based on what you post to your social media accounts?

The answer: Yes. Insurance Companies can and will investigate social media profiles. Insurance companies will often check your social media if you have a contested insurance claim. Posts that you think are innocent or funny can later become evidence for an insurance company.

Younger insureds seem to have more trouble with this than older individuals, and that is likely because of the wide-spread use of social media among young adults. Many people post about their losses on social media. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear about a house fire, water damage, or mold damage on social media immediately following a loss. The words “flood,” “smoke” or “mold” can mean entirely different things to an insurance company than they do to you. If you have not read your policy or tested the damage, you should not be talking about it on social media. Posts and pictures on social media can be used against you and affect your claim.

Insurance companies will look into all your social media profiles and posts in an attempt to poke holes into your insurance claim. This process is referred to as a “social media canvas.” Insurance companies and insurance defense firms routinely do these types of investigations. If they find posts that may cast the slightest doubt on the viability of your claim, they will dig deeper.

Don’t let your social media inhibit your insurance claim. Be sure that all of your privacy settings are set for maximum confidentiality, and do not post anything about your insurance claim. A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t want a jury seeing it, then you shouldn’t post it.

A seasoned insurance claim lawyer can help you determine whether your social media posts will affect your insurance claim based on the circumstances of your case.

If you have reason to believe that your insurance company is looking at your social media accounts, call Salas Law Firm at (954) 420-6406 for more information and a complimentary case evaluation.
